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drain cover中文是什么意思

用"drain cover"造句"drain cover"怎么读"drain cover" in a sentence


  • 渠盖
  • "drain"中文翻译    vt. 1.排去(水等液体),排泄,放干 (away; ...
  • "cover"中文翻译    vt. 1.覆盖,遮蔽,包裹;戴帽子;包庇,隐蔽,掩盖; ...
  • "fuel tank drain cover" 中文翻译 :    燃料箱放油口盖
  • "radiator drain plug cover" 中文翻译 :    散热器放水塞盖
  • "glazed vitreous china drain cover" 中文翻译 :    顶部冲水安装
  • "drain" 中文翻译 :    vt. 1.排去(水等液体),排泄,放干 (away; off)。 2.喝干,倒空。 3.用完,花光。 4.使…某物枯竭;使…耗尽某物 (of)。 drain off the rain 排掉雨水。 drain the flooded mine 排干矿上的积水。 drain a glass of beer 喝干一杯啤酒。 drain the cup of sorrow [pleasure] to the bottom 备尝艰苦[享尽快乐]。 He drained the last of the whiskey into our glasses. 他把最后一点威士忌酒都倒进我们的杯子里。 be drained of all strength 筋疲力竭。 drain a country of its resources 使国家资源枯竭。 vi. 1.(水等液体)流掉,渐渐淌完 (away; off)。 2.(土地)排水;(衣服、碗碟等)滴干。 3.(资源等)逐渐枯竭。 The water will soon drain away. 水很快就会流掉。 His anger drained from him. 他的怒气逐渐消失。 This land won't drain. 这块田排不出水去。 This land drains into the river. 这块地的水排到河里。 Put the dishes on the board to drain. 把碗碟放到板上滴掉水。 Hope and energy drain away over the years. 岁月逐渐使精力和希望枯竭了。 n. 1.排水渠;下水道,阴沟;〔pl.〕 (建筑物的)排水系统。 2.【医学】引流,导液(管),排脓管。 3.排水,放干;(财富等的)外流,枯竭;耗费,负担。 4.〔口语〕(酒的)一杯,一口。 the economic drain of war 战争的经济耗费。 Working too hard is a drain on his strength. 过分辛劳使他精力衰竭。 go down the drain 〔俚语〕 1. (情况)愈来愈坏,(人)每况愈下。 2. (资金等)被浪费;(计划等)失败,破产。 laugh like a drain 〔口语〕狂笑。 adj. -less 〔书面语〕取之不竭的。
  • "drain will" 中文翻译 :    意志力枯竭术 原力
  • "drain drain" 中文翻译 :    御用动物
  • "cover" 中文翻译 :    vt. 1.覆盖,遮蔽,包裹;戴帽子;包庇,隐蔽,掩盖;灭迹,(用纸)表(墙)。 2.孵(小鸡);(种马)交配。 3.(炮火等)控制;对准射击;【军事】掩护。 4.涉及,包括,包含;网罗;适用。 5.通过,走过(若干里);讲完(几课),看完(几节)。 6.足敷,足以抵补[补偿];(用保险办法)保护;出大牌压倒(对方)。 7.【商业】补进(预先卖出的商品)。 8.【宗教】恕宥。 9.〔美国〕采访(新闻、报导会议情形等)。 10.掩没。 11.(与雌的)交配。 cover the table 铺桌布和摆餐具(准备开饭)。 Pray be covered. 请戴好帽子。 The troops covered the country. 军队遍布国内。 cover the landing [retreat] of an army 掩护军队登陆[退却]。 His studies covered a wide field. 他的研究涉及广大范围。 The rules cover all cases. 那规则普遍适用。 He once covered a mile in three minutes. 他有一次在三分钟内跑了一英里。 My income barely covers my expenses. 我的收入刚刚够用。 be covered with 盖满,覆满(灰尘等),落满(苍蝇等),充满(恐慌、羞耻等)。 cover in 用屋顶遮盖;用土填洞等。 cover into the Treasury 〔美国〕解交国库。 cover oneself with 蒙受,获得(He covered himself with glory. 享受荣誉)。 cover over 遮遍,完全封蔽。 cover shorts [short sales] (交易所)补进空头股数。 cover up 1. 蒙盖;隐蔽。 2. 包庇(某人);为某人打掩护。 vi. 1.展延。 2.代替 (for)。 3.(拳击中)掩护脸部。 n. 1.覆盖物,盖子,套子,罩子,(书的)封面,壳子;(车辆的)外胎。 2.隐蔽,遮蔽;假托,借口,假装。 3.掩护物〔森林、凹地等〕;(禽兽)隐藏处。 4.(一份)餐具。 5.【商业】担保,保证金。 6.【板球】后卫场所;【网球】防守范围;【乒乓】触球。 a dinner of 50 covers 供五十个人食用的一次正餐。 C-s were laid for five. 预备了五份饭菜。 be under cover 是秘密的,在隐蔽处。 break cover 由隐藏处跳出[飞出]。 draw a cover 把(猎物)由树丛中赶出。 from cover to cover 从头到尾〔指书籍〕。 provide cover for 给…打掩护。 take cover 【军事】利用[凭]掩护物;隐蔽。 under separate cover 另函包寄。 under (the) cover of 躲在…之下;在…掩护下;趁着(夜色等);借…为口实。 under cover to 附在…信中。 under the same cover 在同一包[封]中,附在信中。
  • "cover for" 中文翻译 :    代替; 负责或承担(他人的义务或工作); 掩护
  • "cover in" 中文翻译 :    封盖; 用泥土填; 遮盖住
  • "cover with" 中文翻译 :    用...覆盖
  • "french drain; blind drain" 中文翻译 :    盲沟
  • "a foul drain" 中文翻译 :    污浊的下水道
  • "a great drain on" 中文翻译 :    对..大量消耗
  • "ability drain" 中文翻译 :    和属性吸取
  • "acid drain" 中文翻译 :    酸性废水
  • "aggregate drain" 中文翻译 :    集料盲沟
  • "agricultrual drain" 中文翻译 :    农用排水
  • "agricultural drain" 中文翻译 :    农田排水; 农业排水沟; 农用排水沟
  • "air drain" 中文翻译 :    气眼,气门,通气管,气道;防湿沟。
  • "angle of drain" 中文翻译 :    倾泻角
  • "arch drain" 中文翻译 :    拱形排水沟
  • "area drain" 中文翻译 :    地面排水沟; 地区排水; 雨水排水口。相当于没有存水弯的地漏。常设在阳台、窗井等处。
  • "arterial drain" 中文翻译 :    干线排水管; 排水干管; 排水干渠


  • George took off his jacket , rolled up his sleeves and pushed his right arm through the drain cover .
  • George took off his jacket , rolled up his sleeves and pushed his right arm through the drain cover
  • George took off his jacket , rolled up his sleeves and pushed his right arm through the drain cover
  • Initial investigation revealed that there was some fresh cement on a drain cover . with the assistance of the fire services department , the drain cover was lifted this afternoon and a body of a young girl was found
  • Our company supplies construction metal products , municipal installations , ornamental metal products , such as steel formwork , aluminum formwork , manhole and drain covers , traffic facilities , trailers , auto parts & accessories , stainless steel products , etc
    我公司主营业务范围:建筑金属制品、市政设施、装饰金属制品(如:钢模板、铝模板、沙井盖、拖车及汽车配件、马路设施、不锈钢制品等) 。
  • Iit is widely used in petrochemical , petroleum , pharmaceutical , metallurgical , power wastewater treatment , ocean engineering and environment protecion industries , as floorboards in corrosive environment , stairs , drain covers , iperation platform corridors and safety balustrade in electrical installations
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